Heladería Panadería Latinoamericana (Argentine)
Heladería Panadería Latinoamericana, published by Publitec Argentina, is a specialized magazine distributed in all Latin America
Pasticceria Internazionale - World Wide Edition (Italy)
For more than 25 years, the Italian technical magazine “Pasticceria Internazionale” has supported pastry chefs, always aiming at the evolution and improvement of the professional sector.
In June 2002, the first issue of “Pasticceria Internazionale - World Wide Edition” (PIWWE) came out, with the purpose of exporting Italian culture and know-how. It is a communication tool which is going to further enhance the artisan section as well.
Konditorei & Cafè (Germany)
Konditorei & Café is a technical magazine for barmen, pastry chefs and ice cream makers. The magazine contains a lot of recipes, new trends, technics and news on the market and the companies.
Arte Heladero (Spain)
Arte Heladero is a technical magazine about artisan gelato that offers informations and traning to ice cream makers. www.heladeria.com/revistas/arteheladero
So Good (Spain)
So Good, published every six months, is a magazine for ice cream makers and pastry chefs. www.sogoodmagazine.com/magazines
Z+G | Zaxaroplasteio + Gelateria (Greece and Cyprus)
Z+G (Zaxaroplasteio + Gelateria) is published every two months since 1998 and posted to more than 6,000 professionals pastry chefs and artisan gelato makers in Greece and Cyprus. Z+G is the only professional magazine in Greece member of Euroclub, the best confectioney magazine’s club in Europe.
Vakblad IJs! (Holland)
Vakblad IJs! is the only Dutch magazine for ice cream makers. It is published 5 times per year and contains articles about Dutch entrepreneurs, gelato ingresients, gelato machines, trade fairs and new products.
Landra (Hungary)
Landra is a commercial Hungarian magazine for pastry chefs, bakers and ice cream makers.
Cukiernictwo (Poland)
Published every month, with two special editions per year: Lody (ice cream) and Swiat Czekolady (chocolate), thi magazine is read by 6,000 confectionary companies in Poland.
For a selection of Italian press, visit: www.ilgelatoartigianale.info/Sistema_gelato/Riviste.kl